Do you have any Questions?

Below are frequently asked question by our customers, if you have a question that is not answered here kindly reach out to us via the contact us page, we answer promptly.

To enroll for our consultation or any of our classes, from the services bar select any of the program you want to enroll for
2. fill in your details and make necessary payment.
We will send every further details to your email or contact you via your mobile phone number.
From our shop page, select any of the seed you want. Make order and it will be delivered to you within 8-9days. And if you are having difficulties do well to reach out to us on phone.
It takes maximum of 8-9days for you to receive your order except on some exceptional cases which will be communicated with you.
Yes, within 7days from the delivery date provided that the product has not been tampered with.
Yes, we do at agreed cost with you.